“Studies in Visual Arts and Communication – an international journal” is a peer- reviewed, bi-annual academic publication. The Journal is published online, as an open access journal. We accept proposals for contributions of academic value.
“Studies in Visual Arts and Communication – an international journal” publishes articles which have never before been published. Only in exceptional situations do we republish an article which has already appeared in a publication. Also, manuscripts should not be currently under consideration with another journal.
The opinions expressed in published articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the editors, or members of the editorial board.
Length, authorship, languages
Languages: we accept submissions in English, French and Spanish. Papers are solicited under the stated aims and scope of the Journal.
Full-paper structure: title, author, abstract, keywords, content, acknowledgement, bibliography, author biography.
Author information: authors should clearly write their name, position, affiliation, and contact information (including e-mail address), research interests.
Abstract, Keywords: the texts shall be accompanied by an approximately 250 words summary written in one of the accepted languages. In addition, 5 to 10 keywords need to be used in the summary. An English version of the title, summary and keywords may be additionally required.
Full-text paper: the papers should be 4000 – 6000 words in length.
Text Formatting
Texts should be submitted in .doc, .docx (or .rtf) format, and edited using the Times New Roman font, 12 point font size (for both abstract and full-text), single spaced, with footnotes of 9 point font size, single spaced.
Images, figures, illustrations
Please send print quality figures with caption specifying copyright; image copyright and permission for publication is the concern of the author of the paper. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure they have copyright clearance to use images.
The illustrations are either to be inserted in the text or they shall be attached at the end of the article, or else submitted separately as a bitmap (.jpg, .png or similar file), at print resolution (250-300 dpi & 10 to 15cm wide, or at least 1000 px wide), being clearly specified by Fig. 1, Fig. 2…or Il.1, Il. 2… In the text.
List of illustrations: all articles with illustrations will be accompanied by a List of illustrations, with details and sources of illustrations.
Citations and List of References: references should follow the author-date system of the Chicago Manual of Style, the 16th edition. Sources are cited in the text, in parenthesis, as follows: author’s last name, date of publication, page number. Multiple sources by the same author(s) should be listed chronologically, from the earliest to the most recent.
Sample reference for single author books:
- Citation in the text: (Dahrendorf 1997, 45).
- Entry in the reference list: Dahrendorf, Ralph. 1996. After 1989. Morals, Revolution and Civil Society. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Sample reference for journal articles:
- Citation in the text: (Bernstein 1982, 825)
- Entry in the reference list: Bernstein, Richard J. 1982. “From Hermeneutics to Praxis.” Review of Metaphysics 35 (4): 823-845.
For all other references, please consult the Chicago-Style Citation Guide:
Bibliography: bibliography is a separate final section. The reference list should only include works that are cited in the text.
Acknowledgments: acknowledgments of grants, funds, etc. should be placed before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
Submission address: papers should be submitted as an attachment to the Journal editors at the email address journal.on.arts@gmail.com, according to the current/active Call for Papers dates.
Review and Acceptance: the paper will be reviewed by our editors and an answer will be submitted to the author. We reserve the right to decline articles, if no prior agreements have been made.